Ordering Link for Students, Parents, Alumni and Third-Parties - Start the process here! This secure, efficient service will deliver student-requested transcripts to universities, colleges and other entities that are selected.
Parchment Quick Guide - Step-by-step instructions to set up an account, update an existing account, request and track transcript orders, and more.
Ordering Link for District to District Transfer of Records - For school administrators at other school districts to request records of current students in grades 9-12 only.
If you still have questions after reading the Parchment Quick Guide or visiting their website, please follow the instructions below to reach the most appropriate contact:
If you are a current student at Wayne High School or the parent of a current student at Wayne High School:
Please contact Beth Johnson, registrar, by email at beth.johnson@myhhcs.org or call 937-233-6431
If it has been less than one year since you graduated from or last attended Wayne High School:
Please contact Tiffany Perkins, administrative assistant, by email at tiffany.perkins@myhhcs.org or call 937-233-6431
If it has been more than one year since you graduated from or last attended Wayne High School:
Please contact Courtney Eynon, administrative assistant, by email at courtney.eynon@myhhcs.org or call 937-237-6300.