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District News

Wayne Warrior Logo
Cynthia McDonald



February 18, 2025

Dear Wayne Parent/Guardian, 

The State of Ohio has implemented House Bill 123 (the SAVE ACT) to support students and place emphasis on the importance of the emotional and physical safety of students and staff. Under HB 123, students are required to receive one hour of instruction or the equivalent of a period in social inclusion, violence prevention, and suicide prevention per school year. To follow the mandate, students at Wayne will be receiving this instruction beginning on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

Here’s more information about the program we are using: It is called “SOS” or Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this topic and encourages them to seek help. SOS has been used by thousands of schools over the past few decades. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts. The SOS program is being offered throughout the district in compliance with the SAVE ACT. More information about the SAVE ACT can be found here:

Here’s what students will learn through the program:

●  that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help 

●  how to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend

●  to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a    friend

●  who they can turn to at school for help if they need it 

Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend in their class. Following the video portion, he or she will complete a brief depression screening tool. If you consent to your child participating in this screening tool, he or she will answer questions related to how he or she has been feeling in the past four weeks and if he or she has any suicidal ideation. This tool cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does indicate whether a young person should be referred for evaluation by a mental health professional.  If your student's screener indicates he or she may show signs of suicidal ideation, a South Community professional will talk with him or her privately and will call the parent or guardian to offer supportive services. 

We encourage you to visit for information about warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn.


For more information, you can also check here:

●  Review Google Drive to reinforce the ACT message at home

Learn more about other South Community programs here: or by attending a parent webinar offered periodically throughout the year.

If you do not want your student to participate in this program or have the screening, please complete this Google opt-out form by February 13, 2024:


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me at or our South Community expert, Cyndi Hurst at 918-508-4120 or

Thank you.


Brent Carey, Wayne High School Principal





Wayne Warrior Logo
Cynthia McDonald





                       WARRIOR NEWS

                                       February 18th, 2025


 Black History Month Celebrates


Rushmore is looking for volunteers from the Student Council, NHS, and JROTC for Camp Kern. We will be at camp from March 10th-12th. 


Link for volunteers:


Anyone interested in running track this outdoor season, please plan on attending a parent informational meeting on Thursday, Feb. 20th in the cafeteria at 6 pm.   This meeting should last about 45 minutes.  For any questions see Coach Fern in room A 216


“Softball Tryouts begin Monday,  February 17th, and will occur from 3:30-5:30 PM


Tuesday 18th: HS 4-6 pm Studebaker Gym

Wednesday 19th: HS 3:30-5:30 pm in the fieldhouse 

Thursday 20th: HS 4-6 pm Studebaker Gym

Friday 21st: HS 3:30-5:30 pm in the fieldhouse 


                                                   Club Information 


Spanish Club is every Wednesday at 3:10 PM in classroom A222. 



 This week we will kick off our Annual Pasta for Pennies Campaign!  This is a huge fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  

How it works:

Tuesday, Feb.18

Thursday, Feb.20

Monday, Feb. 24

Wednesday, Feb. 26


These will be collection dates!  We will have the student council come around during the 5th period. 

The winning class will receive a PASTA Party from Olive Garden!  We do our best to give second and third place either Pasta party OR Pizza Party


                         Class Information

Attention Seniors, Please check the list posted in the display case by Mr. McCoy’s office or in the counselor’s hallway. If any corrections are needed, please see Mrs. Perkins in Room B111.


Attention Seniors and Early graduates:

Senior Class Outstanding Fees $71478.00


Please remember that all school fees must be paid in order for you to:




There is a list of seniors who owe fees on the window of the unit offices, the main office, and the attendance office. 



If you have any questions or concerns about your fees, please see Ms. McCullough in the Bursar's office. 

                                       Planning for Your Future


COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS - 2025-2026 School Year


Any student interested in participating in CCP for the 2025-2026 school year must complete the Letter of Intent and online application at Sinclair.  This can be found on the Counseling Department webpage at the link below under CCP.


If you are planning on taking any CCP classes in the building at Wayne, this, along with any placement testing (if applicable), must be completed by May 31, 2025.  Please see your counselors for any questions.



Miami University, Regions will be here Wednesday, February 19 during all lunches.=






Centerville HS is hosting a College & Career Fair on Tuesday, March 4, 2025,

 between 630 -8 PM.

This is open to the public.  All branches of the military plus a financial aid institution will be on site.



Scholarship Opportunities Please see Mrs. Johnson for more information or check the Wayne Page on the HHCS website under the Counseling Department


Society of American Military Engineers Seeks 2025 Scholarship Applicants


Seniors:  If you have attended Huber Heights City Schools from K-12 or 1-12, please stop by the guidance office for a scholarship opportunity.


Senior females ~ if you plan to major in education and have a 3.0 GPA or higher, please consider applying for the Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) Scholarship.  These are due by March 7, 2025, and applications are in the guidance office.

The Huber Heights Masonic Lodge Scholarship is now available.  This is based upon a combination of academic standing and achievements and broad based participation in community and/or school activities.


This scholarship is due to Mr. Shomper in room A225 by Friday, April 11, 2025.




The Horatio Alger Scholarship is now available and due March 1.  To be eligible you must be a high school junior, demonstrate financial need ($65,000 or lower adjusted gross household income) and have US citizenship.  You may apply at


Interested in a pharmacy career?  Students entering grades 11 or 12 in Fall 2025 can consider attending the University of Findlay's Pharmacy Summer Camp.  Visit and click on Summer Camp for more information. 



                           Shout out to

Selah Peterson for showing Respect and being Responsible from Mr Shomper

Ryder McCabe for his Respectfulness from Ms Dennis

Dylan Symons for his Perseverance from Ms Scherrer

Karen Roque for being Responsible in Mrs. Perrys’ class

Brandon Scott for his Collaboration in Mr. Amos’s classroom

Kirsten Propes for her Perseverance in Mr. Sizemore’s class

Dreau Brown for being Respectful in Dr. Wells’s classroom 

Jayden Brown for being Respectful and Responsible in Ms. Hughes’s class

Darion Wright for being Responsible from Mr. McCoy


                     For going the Warrior Way!

ACT Test February 27th
Cynthia McDonald



Feb. 13, 2025

Wayne Families,

On Tuesday, February 25th, all Juniors will take the ACT at Wayne HS. This is a one-time opportunity to take the ACT without charge. Students can make future attempts, but they will be charged. ALL students, including those at MVCTC and Warrior Academy, will come to Wayne on February 25th for testing in the building. Please make sure your student arrives promptly no later than 7:50 a.m. on testing day to ensure a successful testing experience. Students WILL NOT be permitted into the testing session once it has started. Testing should be completed by 12:30, and all students will be dismissed at that time.  They will have the opportunity to eat breakfast starting at 7:25 a.m. and lunch before leaving the building. MVCTC students do not need to report to MVCTC when testing is finished. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gore, counselor at Wayne H.S.

937-233-6431 ext 72113

Therefore, Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors will not report to school on Tuesday, February 25th. Students should use this opportunity to make up needed work and work ahead as we move through the third quarter. Seniors who are enrolled in a Credit Recovery should use this day for completion at home.


Brent Carey/Principal Wayne H.S.

                             (937) 233- 6431 ext.72108



Class of 2025
Cynthia McDonald




Graduation Ceremony

 Sunday, May 25th, 2:00 pm at the Nutter Center


Attention Seniors, Please check the list posted in the display case by Mr. McCoy’s office or in the counselor’s hallway. If any corrections are needed, please see Mrs. Perkins in Room B111.



Attention Seniors and Early graduates:

Please remember that all school fees must be paid for you to:




There is a list of seniors who owe fees on the window of the unit offices, the main office, and the attendance office. 



If you have any questions or concerns about your fees, please see Ms. McCullough in the Bursar's office. 



There are many scholarship opportunities available. Please see the Counseling Department on the Wayne page on the Huber Heights City Schools Website Financial Aid & Scholarships

Cell Phones During School Hours
Cynthia McDonald



Recently, Governor DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Department of Education and Workforce Director Stephen D. Dackin announced the publication of a model policy designed to minimize student use of cell phones during school hours. This model policy prohibits or discourages students from using cell phones or similar electronic communication devices on school property during school hours. Students must keep their cell phones in a secure place such as their locker, a closed backpack, or a storage device provided by the district, whenever cell phone use is prohibited.

Exceptions to the policy include cases when students must use their cell phones for a documented purpose as part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or for monitoring a health concern.

The Department created the model cell phone policy as part of the requirements of House Bill 250, recently signed into law by Governor DeWine.  H.B. 250 mandates every school district in the state to establish an official policy governing cell phone usage and emphasizes limiting cell phones to the greatest extent possible by July 1, 2025.

We are communicating this information with you now to begin changing the mindset of students and families. Recent research shows that students are more engaged in their learning when they are not tempted by their devices. Far too many students are focused on engaging with peers which often results in various school issues. We want to partner with you to help students use their time wisely and support their intellectual growth. 

School districts have the option to adopt the Department’s model policy or create their own policy, provided it meets all the requirements within H.B. 250. Wayne High School, and Huber Heights City Schools, will be engaging with the school community during the year to gather feedback on this important topic. We will communicate the adopted cell phone policy once finalized. Until then, we ask that students follow their classroom teacher’s expectations regarding cell phone use. 

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Brent Carey


2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Opens March 31, photo of smiling students.
Wendy Barhorst

Huber Heights City Schools is excited to welcome our newest Warriors to kindergarten! Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will be available on FinalForms starting March 31, but you can start preparing now by gathering the necessary documents. Having everything ready will help ensure a smooth registration process.

  • Student's birth certificate and/or passport
  • Student's immunization record (must include name, date of birth, and provider's name and address)
  • Parents' current state ID or license and/or passport
  • Complete court custody/divorce documents (signed by judge/magistrate, if applicable)
  • Proof of residency (you will need one of the following):
    • Mortgage statement (dated within the last 30 days)
    • Current and signed lease agreement (full lease signed by tenant and landlord/property owner)
    • Signed purchase agreement with an occupancy date
    • Current AES or CenterPoint Energy statement (full page showing service address; not a final bill or disconnect notice; must be dated within the last 30 days)

📌 Students must be five years old on or before August 1, 2025, to enroll in kindergarten.

For more information about the kindergarten registration process, please visit:

  • Charles
  • Monti
  • Rushmore
  • Studebaker
  • Valley
  • Wright
Winter Weather Procedures with photo of school buses covered in snow
Wendy Barhorst

Snow and freezing temperatures can happen anytime during the winter months. To keep you informed about school delays or closures, Huber Heights City Schools will share updates through the following channels:

  • Phone, Text, and Email Alerts: Be sure to check your student's FinalForms account to ensure your contact information is up to date

  • District Website:

  • Huber Heights City Schools Facebook Page:

  • Local Media Outlets: WDTN-TV2, WHIO-TV7, and WKEF-TV22/WRGT-TV45

We understand that decisions to delay or close school affect your day, so we are committed to making these announcements as early as possible. The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority.


As a reminder, please encourage your students to:

  • Dress Warm: Encourage students to wear layers, including hats, gloves, and warm coats.

  • Walk Carefully: Sidewalks and bus stops may be icy, so encourage children to take their time and watch their steps.

  • Stay Visible: Bright or reflective clothing can help drivers see students, especially in snowy or dark conditions.

Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe this winter!

Huber Heights City Schools Redistricting Update
Wendy Barhorst

Huber Heights City Schools has been working with Cropper GIS, a national expert in redistricting, and a group of parents, educators, and community members on a year-long project to improve balance, equity, and efficiency in our elementary schools.

On Thursday, December 12, our Superintendent, Mr. Enix, recommended that the Board of Education approve a plan containing minimal changes to the current district map, while slightly improving transportation efficiency. The Board approved this plan during their January 9 meeting. It will go into effect for the 2025-2026 school year.

While the goal of balancing school usage wasn’t fully met in the approved plan, it was determined that the first two options did not provide a compelling reason to justify the significant disruptions they would cause to students, families, and staff.

Visit to learn more about the project and view the approved plan.

Thank you for your support and participation!

American Flag graphic, Wayne High School Military Service Wall of Honor
Wendy Barhorst

Huber Heights City Schools is excited to announce the creation of a Military Service Wall of Honor at Wayne High School! This special tribute will recognize the dedication and sacrifices of Wayne graduates from any branch of service who are currently serving or have served, provided they were not dishonorably discharged.

To make this project successful, we need your help identifying former students who should be included on the wall. We invite WHS alums or their family members to submit details about their military service by visiting All submissions received by March 1, 2025, will be featured on the wall, which will be unveiled in April 2025.

In addition to details about their service, alums can share personal stories and photos, which will also be included in a virtual wall display on our website.

We invite everyone to help us honor our military alums and spread the word about this special tribute. For questions or to learn how you can support this initiative, please contact Jenn Davis at

  • Wayne High School
HHCS 2025-2026 School Year Calendar
Wendy Barhorst

The official Huber Heights City Schools 2025-2026 school year calendar for grades K-12 is now available! Plan ahead by marking important dates, including the first and last day of school, holidays, and breaks.

Both the current 2024-2025 and new 2025-2026 calendars can be found on the District Calendar page on our website. 

  • Charles Huber Elementary
  • Monticello Elementary
  • Rushmore Elementary
  • Valley Forge Elementary
  • Wayne High School
  • Weisenborn Junior High
  • Wright Brothers Elementary